Change Your Water. Change Your Life.

Kangen Water

What is an Enagic Trifecta?


You will hear lots of Enagic Distributors talk about starting their business with a trifecta. But what exactly is a trifecta?

An Enagic Trifecta is effectively a strategy to snowball your kangen business from day one and set your business up for more profits in a shorter space of time.

The most important thing to know first is that every product sold by Enagic gives you a Kangen Water Distributor ID. So if you have more than one product such as say a K8 Water Machine and an Anespa Shower System, you actually have 2 Enagic Businesses with 2 sources of commission.

An Enagic trifecta is when you purchase your first product from your chosen distributor, ideally an Anespa Shower System. Your distributor then instructs you how to sell yourself say a K8 Water Machine through your Anespa Distributor ID. You then place that sale in your 1A lane and make commission back on your own purchase of a K8 Water Machine ( In the USA for example this would be $340 ). You then sell yourself an UKON subscription and place also in your 1A lane and make commission on that also (In USA $40) So in effect you have made back $380 dollars straight away on your own purchases.

Now your very next sale will make you 2A and give you 2A commission. If that next sale is you setting someone else up with a trifecta you will make $1,130 back in commission. This is not bad at all for your first sale to another individual.

The idea with selling trifectas to others is that it will only take 33 trifecta sales to get you to the rank of 6A whereas it would take 100 single water machine sales to get you to this rank. At rank of 6A you will now make $2,040 US Dollars on each sale of a K8 which is why everyone’s goal is to increase ranks to this level.

Do I Have To Start My Enagic Business With a Trifecta?

No, you do not have to start your Enagic Business with a Trifecta strategy. Beware of distributors who tell you that you have to do this. If they are saying this, first of all it is not true but also if they are telling you that you have to do it this way they are saying so for their own financial benefit.

You can start your business with any one Enagic Water Machine. You do not have to purchase multiple items. You can also start with just 1 machine on our own in-house installment plan so you don’t have to spend as much money at the beginning and pay off your own machine monthly whilst still being able to earn commissions.

If you want to start an Enagic business but have limited funds please contact us for more information on how to start your business with the lowest investment.

Another point to note here is that you do not have to pay any monthly fees for being an Enagic Distributor but there are groups of distributors that charge fees to be members of their communities but you do not have to do this to be a distributor.

Examples of Commissions From Enagic Trifecta Sales


If you have any questions on Enagic Trifectas or becoming an Enagic Distributor please use the form below to contact us!